About the ISIpedia Team

Prof. Dr. Katja Frieler

PI of the ISIpedia project. Lead of the ISIMIP project. Head of Research Department III - Transformation Pathways at PIK

Research focus: Climate impact attribution and Changes in the occurrence of extreme events. CV and list of publications are listed on her personal website.

Dr. Martin Park

Isipedia manager. See his profile on the PIK website.

Mahé Perrette

Mahé creates interactive visualizations for the articles, and is in charge of climate data processing. He maintains and co-developed the isipedia website. Mahé has a background in climate science, as a modeller, and formally as a researcher at PIK. Meanwhile, Mahé works as freelancer in climate science and research software development.

Former members

Julia Reimann (editorial team), Dr. Barbara Willaarts (editorial team, IIASA), Dr. Jens de Bruijn (editorial team, IIASA), Dr. Barbara Templ (editorial team), Inga Menke (stakeholder engagement team, Climate Analytics), Dr. Quentin Lejeune (stakeholder engagement team, Climate Analytics)